Argus is delighted to be announcing our participation and support of Halma’s Water For Life campaign.

At Halma, we believe everyone should have access to clean water. Yet 785 million people in the world—one in ten—do not have clean water close to home. India is hardest hit. It has only 4% of the world’s freshwater resources despite a population of over 1.3 billion people, a number that is expected to grow and worsen water scarcity.

As a global group of life-saving technology companies with six world-leading water companies we know that more needs to be done to reach those with little or no access to safe, clean drinking water. That’s why we are partnering with WaterAid – an international NGO working to make clean water, decent toilets and good hygiene normal for everyone, everywhere within a generation.

Through our Water for Life campaign, we are looking to raise upwards of £200,000 (USD 260,000) that would make it possible for two underserved areas in north east India—Bhagalpur and Buxar—gain access to a safe water supply.

To give you an indication of how far this money will go—just £15 can provide one person with clean water. Halma’s contribution could have the potential of providing clean drinking water to over 8,000 people.

Argus is delighted to play an active part in fundraising for this worthwhile cause.  We have set an ambitious Company fundraising target and hope to achieve this and more by various fundraising activities throughout the year.

Access to safe drinking water is a significant global problem, and the pandemic has only served to reinforce its vital importance in protecting our most vulnerable communities. Together, we can do our part to ensure that everyone has the right to clean water and begin to achieve our Purpose of growing a safer, cleaner healthier future for everyone, every day.

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